Now available in North Raleigh! The renowned RCM Method can be the perfect complement/supplement to the Suzuki Method. In my opinion, no one method is perfectly all-encompassing on its own, rather there are a range of tools available to choose from to create an individualized program tailored to meet the unique learning style and needs of each individual.
As a RCM certified teacher, I am happy to prepare students to take RCM practical examinations or simply to incorporate the RCM technical and repertoire material into the Heart-Strings Newmarket Violin Studio program. To learn more about the Royal Conservatory please refer to their excellent website. Note that Exams are going forward online, during the COVID-19 crisis!
Below is some background from to get you started:
Founded in 1886, The Royal Conservatory is the largest and oldest independent arts educator in Canada, serving more than 500,000 active participants each year. Based in Toronto, Canada, it offers extraordinary opportunities for learning and personal development through music and the arts in all Canadian provinces and increasingly in a number of international settings. The Royal Conservatory is committed to developing human potential through leadership in music and arts education.
The curriculum of The Royal Conservatory is made available and accessible to students across North America through The Royal Conservatory Certificate Program. Examinations are conducted four times each year in more than 300 communities through a network of local centres. Each centre has a local Examination Centre Representative whose role is to provide information, assist teachers and students, and ensure a successful examination experience
The Certificate Program encompasses all levels from beginner to certification as an Associate of The Royal Conservatory (ARCT). The curriculum spans eleven grades and the culminating ARCT diploma level.
Each year, more than 100,000 students across North America participate in the internationally recognized Certificate Program of The Royal Conservatory.
***FOLLOW THE LINK TO THE RCM'S PAPER ON THE BENEFITS OF MUSIC EDUCATION ON THE BRAIN! Note that Albert Einstein credits his famous theoretical breakthroughs to violin lessons (he started lessons at the age of 6)!***